Fun part time jobs Melbourne – a personal story

Staff member Bec on her search for fun part time jobs Melbourne wide

I have worked in a fast food drive through, stacked shelves in a supermarket, knocked on people’s doors selling electricity and dealt with angry customers in a call centre. I have a good work ethic and made the most of these but I wouldn’t call any of them fun jobs.

I never looked forward to this work. I often remember thinking  Wouldn’t it be nice if I didn’t have to go in today!


One day in the call centre I googled girls fun part time jobs in Melbourne. I trawled through pages and pages of advertisements which did not seem like fun part time jobs to me . All I really saw was boring, boring and even more boring! I just wanted something different that perhaps I hadn’t considered. I moved on to seek, then Gumtree and gave up. Just as I was about to close the Internet down an ad popped up in the corner – Fun Jobs for Girls. Wow, it really did look like these girls had fun part time jobs in Melbourne!Girls having fun jobs

 These girls were in sexy outfits out and about in different places having fun! I was sceptical but so sick of my current role that I hit the apply button anyway. I filled out the form, added a couple of pictures and within a few days id been locked in for an interview. The interview went well, it was so relaxed. The owner and his fiancee explained exactly what was involved in their fun part time jobs and I met a few girls that were in the office.. everyone was lovely!  After leaving the interview I received a call later offering me a paid trial shift on the coming weekend. I felt excited and lucky to have found one of the fun part time jobs in Melbourne I could try without giving up my call centre ‘day job’


8 months down the track I love the job just as much as I did when I started. It wasn’t til I found a fun job that I realised how much I hated the jobs which came before. At Fun jobs 4 Girls the money is great but more valuable to me is the environment you are working in. Fun working environments are important. Working with people that are not only work colleagues but also your friends makes a huge difference. I socialise with all the girls outside of work whether it’s going to the movies, out for food or a night out on the town. It might sound corny but it feels to me like at Fun jobs 4 girls we’re a family, The girls I work with look out for each other and do all the things girls love to do. Everyone here will be a friend of mine for ever.


After the love I feel for the people I work with the second best thing would have to be the money. I can’t deny that. The money is awesome! Receiving your pay check at the end of your shift puts a big smile on your face since the work is so easy! What makes it even better is you can earn that weeks wage in one weekend. If you have another job during the week all the cash you earn on the weekend jumps straight into your savings account. The hours are great, the event planners are flexible and always ask if you will be available before they lock you in on a shift. I have had jobs before that make you feel bad if your ever sick, or you have made other plans but working at fun jobs for girls they understand and accommodate for your social life as well as your work life. Every girl loves to play dress up, we get to dress up every weekend. Even since I was a child dress up was always my favourite thing to do. Then you hit an age where it wouldn’t be acceptable anymore unless you had getting paid for it and adding to the fun of a party!

What a journey. Never thought I’d find a job like this from typing fun part time jobs Melbourne for girls. We dress up as nurses, schoolgirls, Santa’s little helpers, Bavarian beer wenches, soldiers, French maids, sports girls or hula girls. The outfits are supplied in our size and look sexy. And we get paid for the privilege!!

Working at fun jobs for girls isn’t being sat behind a desk or serving people food over a counter for 8 hours a day. Searching  was the best thing i ever search, iv attended so many different events. I’ve been down the coast with all the other girls at no expense, been paid to play lawn bowls or do ten pin bowling. Some of the girls have even been paid to go rock climbing! Everything we do here is different, it’s exciting! Life is meant to be fun – if you’re going to spend a third of it at work then you might as well enjoy the game.

Hear from some of the girls I work with